The United Way of Southwest Oklahoma’s Success by 6 program is an in-house educational initiative of the United Way of Southwest Oklahoma, which aims to provide early childhood literacy education and development opportunities for children from birth to age 6. Recognizing the importance of these early years in shaping a child’s future, the program focuses on enhancing cognitive, social, and emotional skills while promoting health and well-being. With a clear vision and a commitment to creating a brighter future for our youngest residents, this program has become a driving force in ensuring that children receive the support and resources they need during their crucial formative years.
Through collaborative partnerships with local schools, childcare centers, and community organizations, Success by 6 implements a range of initiatives tailored to the specific needs of our community. The program’s key components include early literacy programs, parent education, and support, access to quality early childhood education, and community engagement and advocacy.
In 2022, to complement the already impactful Success by 6 program, United Way of Southwest Oklahoma kicked off the Success by 6 Family Empowerment Program. The program is already making a significant impact on families in our community, providing a range of resources and support to empower them toward self-sufficiency and a brighter future.
By fostering partnerships with local businesses and community partners, the program creates a support network by providing parent and caregiver classes on various topics to help empower children to be school and life ready by age 6. Led by Roxanne Wiseman (a.k.a. Rock Star Roxanne), the small (but mighty) staff of United Way of Southwest Oklahoma, and a handful of volunteers (bless you all), serve families each Thursday in four neighborhoods identified in our community as underserved.
Each week, the Success by 6 Family Empowerment Program offers a $25 incentive to families to help provide them with necessities they may otherwise go without. As well, each Thursday, the group feeds 30 to-go boxes of meals to the families attending, cooked and prepared by United Way staff before going to the weekly site. Additionally, they provide baby food to families with infants. And, of course, families are also given books weekly to encourage at-home reading and to instill a love of books in young children.
The impact of the Family Empowerment Program is already evident in the lives of the families it serves. Numerous success stories highlight how the program has helped families overcome challenges. One dad says, “I have a stronger connection with my two stepdaughters as a stepfather.” A grandma says, “Sessions are helpful and informative. They go above and beyond with information. I love how they interact and play with the children.”
From improving the eating habits and routines of children to tips on parenting, the Family Empowerment program is empowering families in our community and providing them with the necessary tools and support to break free from the cycle of poverty and create a brighter future for themselves and their children.
The United Way of Southwest Oklahoma’s Family Empowerment Program is a testament to the transformative power of community-driven initiatives. Moving forward, the program aims to expand its reach and impact. By raising awareness, securing sustained funding, and fostering new partnerships, the program seeks to serve more families in our region. And with the continued dedication and support of the community, the program can continue to be a beacon of hope and empowerment for families in need.
But these programs don’t fund themselves. If you want to help strengthen our community and create lasting change, when that volunteer calls you asking for your pledge this campaign season, please remember WHO and WHAT your precious dollars support. By donating to the United Way of Southwest Oklahoma, you can contribute to solutions that truly impact and make a difference in our community, create lasting change, and build a brighter future for local families in need.
Jennifer Krebs-Ellis is president & CEO of Cosmetic Specialty Labs, Inc, former Mayor of Medicine Park and serves as a commissioner on the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission.