Bowling centers have sat rather empty this past week with the exception of league meetings, which will continue into this week.
If you have not already been notified, get with your league affiliate and be on hand for your league’s meeting to make any necessary changes for the upcoming season.
It is the calm before the storm but behind the scenes, secretaries are frantically trying to get their bowling league program updated, certification cards printed off, league rules ready for approval, along with team pay envelopes, all while making sure that teams are full or looking for bowlers to fill vacant spots.
This is done just so that you, the league bowler, can show up, pay your dues and bowl without any distractions.
It is not an easy job and we have a fine group of league secretaries in our association who support the bowling news by sending us the league backup each week so that your scores can be recognized.
We are not at 100% so if you aren’t seeing your scores, let your secretary know. Scores and bowling news is published at zero cost to them or your league. Where else does that happen?
As a reminder of the minimum bowling scores for print on the honor roll: adult male 650 series, 235 game, adult female 550 series, 215 game, senior male 625 series, 225 game and senior female 525 series, 205 game.
Good luck bowlers, here’s to a great year of knocking down pins!
League News
The first league to hit the floor this season was the His and Hers’ where Secretary Jeff Janssen happi-ly reported an increase to 12 teams to start this season. Anyone interested in a Tuesday night mixed league at Thunderbird Lanes, be at the bowling center this evening as only a few spaces remain open to maintain an even team schedule.
Through the confusion of the first night, Janssen managed to lead the league with a 683 series on games of 256, 213, and 214.
No-Tap News
Finishing the summer season with a no-tap mini-tournament, the senior Entertainers league had a healthy roster of die-hards stick around for the fun of it.
Coming is first place with 886 was Steve Jester who rolled 254,232 and 280.
Duane Hurwitz took second with 849 on games of 253, 216 and 266 and Gary Webster wrapped up the top three with games of 208, 178 and 272 for an 802. All series’ include handicap.
For the ladies, Teri Jester shot 243, 246 and 229 for an 823, followed by Diane Frame with 811 on games of 216, 136 and 258 and Sue Avis took home third with an 807 that had scratch scores of 219, 253 and 227.
Don Gettens defended his title with a repeat win in the senior no-tap Colorama at Thunderbird Lanes last Friday afternoon.
Gettens run included scratch games of 235, 278 and 254 for a 767 scratch/911 with handicap.
Second place went the Cleo Travis who shot 221, 253 and 218 for 692/881, Randy Travis fell into third with 728/839 on games of 234, 255 and 239 and JP Nauman rolled 244, 209 and a no-tap 300 for a fourth place finish for his 753/834.
Peggy Towne found the zone and posted a no-tap 300 out of the gate, adding 164 and 232 to nab first place for the ladies with an 804 handicap total.
Teri Jester took home second for a 785 that included scratch games of 265, 243 and 211.
Scratch series winners were Gettens, 767, Sam Bowman, with a no-tap 300 game, rolled 757 for second and Nauman placed third for a 753.
Mystery doubles winners were, Peggy Towne/Chun Bessette, 580, Don Gettens/Ryan Thomas, 595, and JP Nauman/Armour Brown, 595.
Strike pot ticket winners were James Halstead, Teri Jester, Carl Christman, David Yett and Randy Travis.
And in the special Challenge shots, Robert Lansberry made short work of the Pill Draw shot where he succeeded in throwing a designated 6-count to win a hefty purse.
Join senior bowlers age 50 and up every Friday afternoon at 1pm at Thunderbird Lanes for the senior 9-Pin No-Tap Colorama.
Knights of Columbus Fundraiser
What better way to start the season that with a fun-little-bit-of-everything kind of tournament that is for a good cause.
The 8th annual Mixed Game Doubles tournament hosted by Carl Christman and the Knights of Co-lumbus organization will be held on August 31st and September 1st at Thunderbird Lanes.
Squad times are 2 PM and 6 PM on Saturday and 11 AM and 2:30 PM on Sunday.
Entry fee is $40 per person/$80 per team with a guaranteed first place of $500 based on 35 team entries. Payout will be one place for every 5 teams, paid at the completion of the event. Multiple en-tries are allowed.
Teams will be rolling six different formats in this tournament to include one regular game of 10-pin, a One Ball (aka headpin), a Baker game, a Best Ball, a Scotch game and finishing up with a 9-pin.
Handicap is applied as defined in the rules as different formats may require a different formula.
Team’s totals over all games will determine final position standings.
Lots of fun with 50/50 tickets and some super nice door prizes including bowling gear will add to the adventure.
Walk-ins are welcome but to guarantee a spot, pre registrations are being held at Thunderbird Lanes or with Carl Christman, tournament director.