The polls open at 7 a.m. today in precincts across Lawton to allow residents to decide whether the City of Lawton will extend its Ad Valorem Streets Improvements Program for another 10 years.
And, the residents of Ward 7 and 8 also will be voting for their representatives to the City Council.
Every registered voter in the city is eligible to cast ballots in the ad valorem election, the city’s proposal to provide $60 million in new funding to address deteriorating streets and bridges. As presented, the ballot directs the funding specifically toward five street projects and 13 bridge projects that have been identified as priority, while also allowing that revenue to be allocated toward right of way and city infrastructure associated with those projects. If voters say yes, the ballot will extend the original Ad Valorem program that city voters approved in 2017.
City officials already have identified their top bridge priorities: two sets of bridges located on South 11th Street between the city landfill and Interstate 44, and two sets of bridges located on Cache Road between Northwest 44th Street and Oak Avenue. A council study committee has directed city staff to analyze priorities for the remaining bridge projects, as well as set the priorities for the five road projects they have identified.
In Wards 7 and 8, residents also will receive ballots to select council representatives for the three-year term that begins Jan. 8. Both Ward 7 Councilwoman Onreka Johnson and Ward 8 Councilman Randy Warren are seeking re-election. Johnson has three challengers: Cindy Edgar, Christal Thompkins and Sherene L. Williams. Warren has two challengers: Carolyn Marie Shyne and Malden Smith.
Candidates must win 50 percent plus one of the votes cast in the primary to win outright. Otherwise, the top two candidates, in terms of votes received, will proceed to a Nov. 14 runoff.