Occupation: Ward 8 incumbent and mayor pro tempore; operates family-owned Warrens Imports, automotive repair and parts.
1. City leaders and staff have been discussing new funding options to address city streets and bridges. What should the priorities be and what information should be used to make those decisions?
Priorities for road and bridge construction, repair and maintenance should address the safety issues first. After the immediate safety concerns are addressed we should build a matrix weighted to maintenance and repair as priorities and reconstruction as a secondary list.
We can make more headway by maintaining and repairing roads that don’t need reconstruction because once they deteriorate, reconstruction is more expensive.
Maintenance and smaller repairs should be financed through the yearly budget and larger repair and reconstruction projects should be financed through ad valorem programs that don’t raise property taxes but continues the tax in place.
2. Westwin Elements has a new local incentive package agreement with the City of Lawton and economic development entities, with some details still being discussed. What should the city’s role in this project be and what kind of oversight should the city be providing?
The City through our economic entities should be front row and center during constriction of the plant. Monies provided for construction are and should be structured as a construction loan. Monies should be released to pay invoices as they are presented so there is constant oversight by those entities and the City.
Once the the construction phase is complete and production begins, the city should inspect on a regular basis as well as unscheduled inspections of air quality and sewage discharge as well as overall safety and environmental quality.
3. What are your priorities for your City Council ward? How would you make them happen?
My priorities for Ward 8 are more sidewalks along arterial roadways, specifically along Cache Road. I would like to start Neighborhood Watch programs in interested neighborhoods.
I hope to be able to continue STEM educational programs for the youth in Ward 8 so they are better prepared for today’s job market.
I would like to oversee Lee West Park reconstruction. I plan to keep pushing for sports opportunities for our youth and adults, including aquatic facilities.
I will always be available to the citizens of Ward 8 to address any problems, concerns or ideas they my have.
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