Cameron University’s governing board has approved plans to replace retiring President John McArthur.
The University of Oklahoma Board of Regents voted Friday to create a presidential search committee, authorizing Board Chair Natalie Shirley to appoint the members of that committee because the regents won’t meet again until March. Appointments will be made in consultation with Regent Rick Braught, the Duncan resident who is Cameron’s liaison to the board, Cameron officials said.
Regents did not set a timeline for when the appointments will be announced and no names were announced Friday, Cameron officials said.
Under existing regent policy, the search committee will include representatives from Cameron’s faculty, staff and students, as well as the Cameron community and the Board of Regents. The selection process also is expected to include details on advertising the position and the criteria for the president.
McArthur, who announced last week he was retiring effective July 3, has served as president of Cameron for 11 years. Before his selection as president, McArthur served as provost of Cameron’s Office of Academic Affairs and also was dean of the university’s science and technology department.
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