A proposal to grant residential use to south Lawton property that now holds industrial designation has won approval from the City Planning Commission.
Commissioners approved proposals that would change the Land Use Plan (which designates uses for property within the Lawton city limits) from what is now Industrial to Residential/Low Density for tracts at 2108 SW Charles Whitlow Avenue and 2123 SW McKinley Avenue. A second request would change zoning on the tracts from R-1 Single Family Residential to R-2 Two-Family Dwelling District.
City planners said the changes would allow a use that is becoming more popular in south Lawton neighborhoods: construction of duplexes. Specifically, the rezoning and Land Use Plan change — if approved by the City Council — would allow Builders Investment Group LLC and Sumner Ridge Homes LLC to build eight new duplexes: seven on Charles Whitlow Avenue and one on McKinley Avenue.
The land now is vacant and surrounded by vacant or under-developed land, said city planner Kameron Good, who noted the only nearby structure is one to the west facing South Sheridan Road.
Good said while the designated land use has been industrial since 2005, “nothing is moving that direction” and it would make more sense as residential housing. The duplexes follow what is becoming a trend in south Lawton, as developers take vacant or under-used properties in residential areas and convert them to low-cost homes by building duplexes. City officials have said that development, in turn, would encourage other new development.
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