Dollars for government operations and for a new project list for the Capital Improvement Program will be discussed by City Council members today.
Today is the third workshop dedicated specifically to crafting the budget that will project revenues and guide expenditures for the fiscal year that begins July 1. City administrators already have presented information to the council on revenues expected for the coming fiscal year, as well as updated council on specific funding categories that include personnel, materials and capital improvements.
Today’s agenda allows the council to make amendments to proposals made by city staff. Those proposals have included retaining a provision that raises water and sewer rates by a percentage equal to the change in the Consumer Price Index, unless the council votes to suspend that automatic increase. While the additional revenue expected from that change already had been calculated into the budget, Mayor Stan Booker and several council members indicated in April that they they do not want to raise utility rates.
The goal for city officials is to have the budget in place by the state-mandated deadline of seven days before the fiscal year begins. Lawton council members typically have that completed by late May or early June, after a public hearing is held for public input.
After budget discussions today, the council will launch discussions about exactly what projects will be funded in their proposed plan to extend the 2019 Capital Improvements Program through 2040. Dubbed PROPEL 2040, Booker has said the additional revenues to be gained by keeping the existing 2.125 percent CIP sales tax in place through 2040 would provide revenue for projects ranging from building repairs and programs for youth, to industrial development and new sidewalks. Without an affirmative vote from residents, the tax will expire Dec. 31, 2034.
Discussions at two recent public meetings have added several projects to the list for consideration, including ceiling, lighting and fire suppression upgrades for Lawton Public Library. Council members will look at another new project today: a $720,000 replacement of the lakes headquarters building near Lake Lawtonka’s School House Slough. City officials said the existing building is in “desperate need of immediate attention,” with severe roof and siding damage that cause leaks, bad plumbing, poor windows and rotting floors. Officials also said the building isn’t ADA accessible.
The $720,000 estimated cost would replace the existing building with a new steel building.
A decision on that project will lead into discussions for the exact composition of PROPEL 2040, in an effort to get the proposal ready for voter consideration Aug. 27. Council members have until June 12 to finalize the wording on the election ballot proposition that is to be submitted to voters. Booker has said he wants the council to vote on the ballot proposition at the May 28 regular meeting, so the document can be submitted to the Comanche County Election Board.
Discussion today is expected to center on what projects will be included in the program and the funding that will be needed to complete them.
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