Following 2 ½-days of trial and another half day of deliberations, a Comanche County jury found a 32-year-old Lawton man guilty of repeatedly sexually abusing a 10-year-old girl and recommended he should spend 150 years in prison.
Judah Josiah Muse was found guilty in Comanche County District Judge Scott D. Meaders’ court of five counts each of lewd or indecent acts to a child under 16 and sodomy with a victim under the age of 16, District Attorney Kyle Cabelka said.
Following testimony and evidence, Muse was found guiltyo f making the child watch pornography and of inappropriately touching her. The girl also testified that more than once, he would spoon her while unclothed and tried to have sex with her in different ways.
After asking for a pre-sentencing investigation, Muse will be sentenced in May.
The trial concluded a heavy three weeks of the jury trial docket. Cabelka said he was proud of the work by the assistant district attorneys in his office for their tenacity and performance during this session.
“I’m very proud of my office for all the work they put in,” he said.
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