WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Fourth District Congressman Tom Cole, R-Oklahoma, was inducted into the National Service Hall of Fame by Voices for National Service Wednesday for his longstanding support of AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors.
“From helping disadvantaged youth, responding to natural disasters, improving health services and much more, most Americans’ lives have been touched by those who selflessly donate their time and resources to serve for National Service organizations,” Cole said, adding he was honored by the induction. “Because of this, I understand the importance of championing and providing the resources for these programs to continue serving our communities and recruiting members.”
From fiscal year 2015 to fiscal year 2023 during Cole’s leadership of the House Appropriations Subcommittee responsible for funding the Corporation for National Community Service, AmeriCorps State and National Grants received a 66.08 percent funding increase, the National Civilian Community Corps received a 25.78 percent funding increase and the National Senior Service Corps received a 17.22 percent funding increase.
Cole also co-led the CORPS Act in the 117th Congress, which would have increased the number of AmeriCorps positions available to assist in the COVID-19 pandemic recovery by increasing living stipends and allowing more Americans to serve through fiscal year 2024.
Annually, approximately 3,500 members of AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors are serving in Oklahoma, responding to the state’s most immediate and critical needs. They are serving at more than 500 locations across the state, including schools, food banks, homeless shelters, health clinics, veterans facilities and other local nonprofit, faith-based and community organizations.