USBC reported that there were approximately 1.2 million league bowlers in the United States last season. Most have never and will never post an 800 series, unlike some of our local high rollers such as Jim Bomboy, who posted his second 800 of the season in last Thursday’s Suburban league at Twin Oaks, Ft. Sill.
Every game has a story in bowling, and when you put them all together, hopefully, every story will add up to a high series, but it doesn’t always work out that way.
Bomboy’s story with his latest addition to honors is one for the highlight reels for sure. If you have Facebook, you really should check out the video to see what words cannot explain. But you know me, I’m gonna try.
Starting the night with a 267, Bomboy was lined up with one of his latest SWAG bowling balls doing the work with ease. Strikes continued through game two all the way to the end, and this is where the video begins with Bomboy putting them away, one after another. What looked like one last strike, but oh no. Blink, Blink! First, your eyes see the 10-pin standing, and then you see the 7-pin standing as well. Something you read about and see in the movies, happening in the here and now, the 7-10 split left with the final roll for the 298 score.
Bomboy shook it off and recovered from the blow with a 244 for game three, totaling out at 809 for series, his 11th career and second one this season. Ironically, Bomboy’s last 800, back in October, started with a 298 game, only without the dramatics.
There were several notable scores coming out of the Suburban league, including Joe Langley’s high this week of 770, which included games of 234, 289, and 247. Langley also posted a 715 (247, 254, 214) in the Tuesday Night Mixed.
Troy Hardin was ten sticks back with a 760 that went 279, 233, and 248, and another ten pins back was Matt Casey with 750 on games of 258, 237, and 255.
Brandon Tipton started off with a 278 game to assist in a 731 set, and Johnnie Scheid made the cut with a 714 on games of 233, 247, and 234 to wrap up Suburban highlights.
Alan Cardenaz was the star player in the Tuesday Mixed, shooting 190 pins over his 190 average. Cardenaz rolled games of 265, 268, and 227 to sum up a big 760 for series.
Troy Hardin was another bowler who did well across the board last week, rolling the leading series in the His and Hers’ of 753 on games of 268, 237, and 248. His and Hers’ secretary Jeff Janssen was a close second with games of 246, 243, and 258 for a 747.
The His and Hers’ was also the setting for the ladies’ high of 699, posted by Dena Hicks on games of 213, 247, and 239, and yes, the pin she missed that would have given her a 700 series is a vivid memory.
Leading in the Early Birds was Andrew Jones, who rolled 238, 240, and 257 for a 735, and congrats are in order for Nicholas McConnell for bowling a 266 game that was 114 pins over his 152 average.
James Ray was the TNT player of the week with a 720 on games of 279, 199, and 242, and joining the honor roll for the first time, we recognize George Costas for bowling a 243 game off a 155 average.
Richard Jacoby was the senior bowler of the week with 700 even posted in the Socialites senior gathering on Monday afternoons at Thunderbird Lanes. After a slow start, Jacoby rolled 279, 232 to make up the set.
And another new entry on the honor roll is Jocelyn Hayes, who rolled her first 200 game of 215, bowling off a 136 average in the Friday Nite Mixed Rollers at Twin Oaks.
{p align=”center”}Youth Bowling
Peyton Smith put the week’s high game of 227 between a 183 and a 187 to come up just shy of 600 with a 597 for TBird Legend’s highlights.
The HotShots saw DJ Scott start with a 211 score, bowling with his first 14 pounder, a ball once thrown by his coach, mentor and friend, the late Lil Johnson.
Scott finished with a 528 series for the high in the U12 division.
And the Oak Trees league reported a high series of 498 rolled by Keanna Biscaino who was over average each game with 160, 161 and 177.
{p align=”center”}No-Tap Bowling
Results from the Feb. 28th edition of the Senior No-Tap Colorama at Thunderbird Lanes are as follows:
Men’s Handicap Series: Malden Smith, 876, Shawn Thomas, 823, Herb Scott and Cleo Travis, 822.
Women’s Handicap Series: Diane Frame, 785, Cathy Shuman, 754.
Scratch Singles: Malden Smith, 837, Shawn Thomas, 787, Mike McLester, 769, Mike Peckinpaugh, 745.
No-Tap Honors: Mike Peckinpaugh (300), Shawn Thomas (300), Malden Smith (297)
Mystery Doubles:
Game one: Dennis Langham with Sam Bowman, 596
Game two: Shawn Thomas with Robert Lansberry, 610
Game three: James Halstead with Malden Smith and Herb Scott with Bert Payton, (551)
Strike Pot Winners: Shawn Thomas, Sam Bowman, Diane Frame, Malden Smith, Mike Peckinpaugh
No winners in the Challenge Shots reported.
This event is held every Friday afternoon at 1 PM at Thunderbird Lanes and is open to all senior bowlers aged 50 and above with a verifiable average.
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