ANADARKO — A Caddo County man waived his preliminary hearing and will be formally arraigned for an allegation of ripping off a client to build a fence.
Brandon Wayne Farmer, 52, of Fort Cobb, waived his hearing Friday and will be arraigned at 9 a.m. June 13 for a charge of home repair fraud. Due to prior felony convictions, he faces between four years to life in prison if convicted.
The client told investigators he’d made an agreement with Farmer in June 27, 2023, for a fencing job at his Carnegie home. Farmer said he would need $2,300 up front for supplies and quoted the total cost of the job at $3,600, according to the warrant affidavit. The client told police he’d told Farmer he’s heard negative things about him but went ahead and hired him due to knowing his family all his life.
The man said he stayed in contact with Farmer and was told he’d called Okie to mark underground lines in the yard. The client contacted Okie and was told no one had contacted them about the lines, the affidavit states. Farmer told the man he’d done it by computer and it must not have gone through, he said.
The client set up a start time for the project for July 10, 2023, but the project never began. According to the affidavit, he made multiple calls to Farmer that weren’t answered and haven’t been returned.
Farmer has two prior felony convictions from Caddo County in September 2010 for manufacturing controlled dangerous substances and soliciting another to distribute drugs, according to records..
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