Contractors building a new complex for Marie Detty Youth and Family Services may have the option of a cost-sharing arrangement with the City of Lawton for a water main.
City Council members will consider a proposal today that would set a cost-sharing agreement into place for installation of a 12-inch water main along West Lee Boulevard, adjacent to Marie Detty’s under-construction complex at 4521 W. Lee. Construction has been under way for months on the 13,967-square-foot complex that will provide residential housing as well as space for Marie Detty administrative offices.
City Council policy allows cost-sharing agreements — literally meaning the city will share costs — for new fire hydrants and public water main improvements in existing commercial development areas, and Pippin Brothers has filed a request on Marie Detty’s behalf.
Marie Detty developers had submitted plans for an 8-inch water main when they submitted design plans and had already purchased those materials. But, city requirements specify a 12-inch main. The city’s Public Utilities Department has suggested a materials swap: exchanging 12-inch pipe and fittings it already has in stock for the 8-inch materials. The difference in cost between the materials is $17,835.85, which is under the $20,000 cap specified in the council policy, city officials said.
City officials have indicated the upgrade is necessary. While there already are three existing fire hydrants near and within the development area, none have sufficient fire flow (water pressure), city officials said.
In other business, the council will consider awarding a series of bids that will allow new waterline work to begin in east and south Lawton residential areas. They include:
• A $3,554,617.50 contract to Stampede Utility Construction LLC for replacement of 35,000 feet of high maintenance waterline in an area east of Northeast 45th Street to Northeast 60th Street, south of East Gore Boulevard. The engineering estimate on project was $4,454,787.40, with bids ranging from $3.554 million to $6.2 million. The construction timeline is 180 days.
• A $4,385,354 contract to Mach Energy Services LLC for construction of 11,500 feet of high maintenance waterline in area east of Southeast 45th Street to Southeast 60th Street, south of East Lee Boulevard. The engineering estimate on the project was $4,757,356.87, with bids ranging from $4.385 million to $4.679 million. The construction timeline is 180 days.
• A $2,324,800 contract to Howard Construction Inc. for construction of a new lift station and 700 feet of 6-inch forecemain at Southwest 6th Street and Belmont Avenue, to replacing deteriorating line and existing lift station. The engineering estimate on the 210-day project was $2,233,320.
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