OKLAHOMA CITY – The Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency will investigate spending concerns regarding the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
This investigation, approved by Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka, and spearheaded by Rep. Kevin Wallace, R-Wellston in his capacity as chairman of LOFT, will focus on issues raised by legislators and private citizens regarding alleged OSDE funding disbursement issues, according to a press release.
“In my capacity as chairman, I intend to have LOFT investigate funding disbursement concerns raised by both citizens and legislators in regard to funds earmarked to OSDE for specific purposes,” Wallace said. “This isn’t about Superintendent Walters; this is about the transparency of a State Agency and getting answers for our constituents. When the Legislature approves funding for a specific purpose, it is incumbent on the agency to which those funds are allocated to spend them properly and in a timely manner. If there are issues with disbursements being made, that information should be communicated to the Legislature well before schools are incumbered. I look forward to using the processes and procedures available within LOFT to address the concerns that have been raised with OSDE funding, and will conduct a thorough, transparent investigation to provide answers to my fellow legislators and the citizens of Oklahoma.”
“I fully support this process,” McCall said. “Additionally, my office will be sharing all relevant information with Attorney General Gentner Drummond regarding any potential violations of the Open Records or Open Meeting Acts by OSDE. We are committed to transparency, and the findings from this investigation will be made available to the public.”
Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency is a state agency in the legislative branch that assists the Oklahoma House and Senate. LOFT provides budgetary recommendations to the LOFT Oversight Committee for use in setting the funding of state government, higher education, and public schools, according to a press release.
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