City officials are moving forward with plans that could restore a convenience store to Lake Lawtonka’s largest concession area before the summer season begins.
Acting in their capacity as the Lawton Water Authority, authority/City Council members will consider an agreement today between Lawton Water Authority and Schoolhouse Slough Convenience Store LLC, allowing that entity to manage and oversee operation of School House Slough’s convenience store and fueling system. Juan Rodriguez, a retired Lawton firefighter, was one of two entities that submitted proposals to assume operation of the store. The store hasn’t been open since the City of Lawton took control of the concession area Jan. 1, 2023, after longtime concessionaire Kent Waller ended his lease.
If approved today, the five-year operations contract would begin May 1.
Under the terms of the lease, Rodriguez would pay 5 percent of gross sales from store operations to the City of Lawton, retaining 100 percent of fuel sales revenue as compensation for managing the fuel system. The lease specifies he would use the area to sell food, beverages, fuel and “other designated concessions as may be deemed appropriate.” That lease also gives him the right to control outside vendors who might want to operate in the slough, the City’s Day Use Area and city-owned campsites in between the two.
Rodriguez would be responsible for maintenance of the store and other property associated with it. Repairs costing up to $1,000 are his responsibility; those exceeding $1,000 will be covered by the water authority, after he pays the initial $1,000. One improvement already is planned: installation of a new griddle, vent hood and fryer, whose cost he will deduct from his quarterly payments to the city. The lease specifies he must have written permission to make any improvements and those improvements become city property when the lease ends.
Approval today will resolve an issue lake users have cited over the past year in a popular concession area that no longer has a store to provide items ranging from snacks and suntan lotion, to fuel. While city staff made plans for those with camping, boating and storage leases, there has been more discussion about whether the City of Lawton had the expertise to operate a store. Mayor Stan Booker, who has a retail background, said the city did not and recommended a concessionaire.
The new lease also tackles an issue the city had with the former concessionaire: Waller’s lease required the city buy the improvements he made during his 25 years of operation, to include stalls, boat slips and camping sites, and the store itself. The council voted earlier this year to pay Waller $2.875 million, the appraised cost of those improvements.
In another recreation-related issue, the council will discuss the next phase of improvements planned for East Side Park on East Gore Boulevard near MacArthur High School, and Lee West Park on Southwest 67th Street at Lynnwood.
City Engineer Joe Painter is asking the council to provide direction to city staff about Phase II, as plans move forward with the Phase I work that will build splash pads (design work already is under way). Phase II is to include new parking areas, restrooms and sidewalks.
Council members already have said they want more amenities in those parks, both large tracts that could easily accommodate more amenities. Ward 8 Councilman Randy Warren has been pushing for a parking lot in Lee West Park, saying that park already is heavily used because it contains Lawton’s Thunder basketball court and those who drive there must park on the street.
City staff and members of the Lawton Youth Sports Authority want to expand amenities in East Side Park, which is close to the proposed indoor youth sports complex.
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