OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma Senate on Tuesday advanced legislation to enhance literacy education and ensure future educators receive training in the science of reading.
Senate Bill 841 strengthens the Strong Readers Act by refining how students with characteristics of dyslexia are identified, said the bill’s author, Sen. Adam Pugh, who chairs the Senate Education Committee. He said the bill also modifies the purpose of the Statewide Literacy Revolving Fund to better support literacy initiatives across the state.
Additionally, Senate Bill 841 directs the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to integrate science-based reading instruction into early childhood, elementary and special education teacher preparation programs. The legislation also continues the state’s recent emphasis on Education Preparation Programs and aligns curriculum with the Science of Reading, Pugh said.
“By expanding reading instruction to teachers in early childhood education, elementary education and special education with the latest research-based reading instruction, this legislation will help us move the needle on reading proficiency and overall academic achievement,” Pugh said. “Oklahoma’s future depends on our students being strong readers. Prioritizing evidence-based instruction gives both students and teachers the tools they need to succeed.”
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