OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma House of Representatives High School Page Program is accepting applications for the First Regular Session of the 60th Legislature.
Every year, hundreds of juniors and seniors from across the state participate in the House High School Page Program at the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City. Participating students have the opportunity to view the legislative process up close and gain a deeper understanding of state government, organizers said.
Students accepted to the program are assigned to one week during the legislative session, which runs from the first Monday in February through the last Friday in May. They arrive on Sunday afternoon and serve Monday through Thursday in the House Chamber during daily session. Pages also assist representatives and staff with tasks and participate in the House Page Mock Legislature on the floor of the House Chamber.
Hotel accommodations and chaperones are provided for all students. Pages are transported to and from the State Capitol daily and are closely supervised, officials said.
Interested high school juniors and seniors may visit https://former.okhouse.gov/Pages/ to submit an application or contact their state representative for more information.
The First Regular Session of the 60th Legislature begins Feb. 3.
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