A free Ekphrastic Poetry workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to noon April 12 at the Life Ready Center Library.
The workshop, for Lawton Public School students, will be in collaboration with Ken Hada, a professor at East Central University.
Ekphrastic poetry is poetry written about works of art; however, the ancient Greek term ekphrasis meant describing something with vivid detail.
The release said Hada’s work has garnered recognition and awards from the Oklahoma Center for the Book, the National Western Heritage Museum, Western Writers of America and the South-Central Modern Language Association.
The release said the McMahon Auditorium Authority received a $1,000 grant from the Oklahoma Humanities Council to facilitate the workshop.
For more information, visit www.kenhada.org or contact LRC Librarian, Maureen DuRant, at (580) 585-6416 ext. 4617.
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