The weather this summer is proving to be interesting. Between the rain, early heat, and extremely hot days, spending time outside has been a challenge. Especially for me, I have an elderly dog this summer, who is either taking advantage of my concern or is truly struggling with the heat.
It’s no secret, my daughter has never enjoyed the heat and sweating. Yet this is our first summer that we have access to a pool. If I could, I would live in the pool. As long as there is water, it is never too hot for me. Fortunately, I am fairly resourceful and I have developed a few tricks to help make our fun in the sun enjoyable for both of us.
Watermelon is great to fight dehydration and it’s a yummy summer treat. B may not love to drink water, but she will eat watermelon. Cucumber is great too, and her favorite veggie. Making sure to always have both on hand, means fun in the sun happens for everyone.
Meal prepping is a must. As much as I love to cook, being tied to a hot stove in the summer is not where I want to be. Planning three to five individual items that I can cook every three to four days and put together to make a variety of different meals means less time cooking and cleaning and more time for fun. My standard items are rice, beans, hamburger meat, and tofu. I can combine these with a variety of veggies and seasonings that always keeps meal time fresh.
Life is moving at a faster and faster pace. Summer is the time to slow down. No matter how busy my days are, I make it a point to walk around our pond a few times a day. Watching the herons fish and the turtles sun themselves centers me and reminds me how important it is to stop and smell the roses. Having a flower garden forces me to spend my evenings outside with my hands in the dirt. Feeling the dirt between my fingers helps me focus and realize how important being connected to nature is for my health.
Making it a point to laugh every day moves my perspective from me to the world. There are so many negative things going on around me. I am doing all I can to make a difference, to do better, to leave the world a better place. By staying positive and striving to laugh every day, optimism surrounds me.
Remove all negativity. Over the past few weeks, I have learned that negativity in people can take several forms. Subtle comments and jokes that are hurtful. Passive aggressive comments that challenge boundaries. Having the need to consume another’s time and energy. Not honoring people’s boundaries. These are all negative traits that we often allow to pass. Removing people from your life who make fun of you under the guise of teasing you, ignore your boundaries and make it clear they have no respect for you are people you need to remove from your life. While it is important to assume the best and give the benefit of the doubt, it is also important to value yourself enough to not allow this behavior to continue.
By focusing on the positive, returning to the basics, and spending time in nature, I have been able to make the most of the hot weather while truly enjoying every moment.
Sara Orellana lives in Oklahoma City and writes a weekly column for The Lawton Constitution.
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