Comanche County’s eastern and western district commissioners want some discussion about projects they could fund with American Rescue Plan Act funding.
District 1 Commissioner John O’Brien and District 3 Commissioner Josh Powers have identified projects they would like to see funded with the $3.8 million in undesignated funds remaining in the government services category of ARPA funds. Some county projects already have been designated — such as long-needed repairs to the elevator in the Comanche County Courthouse — but both men said there are other projects they want to look at and that means deciding how to divide the remaining undesignated funds among the three county commissioner districts.
Some decisions already have been made. Commissioners agreed Monday to designate up to $900,000 to a project that will demolish the old American National Bank building west of the Comanche County Courthouse, then turn that site into more parking for the courthouse. O’Brien said commissioners have agreed to designate $250,000 for snow removal equipment that will benefit all the districts.
But commissioners have projects centered on their own districts, to include county road repair work that is included in an unofficial ARPA project list.
Powers said his plans include spending $160,000 to $170,000 to buy the three road graders he now leases for monthly payments of $1,500. New graders are $500,000 each, he said, explaining that buying the equipment he now leases will save money in the long-run.
Commissioners said they will return with a specific project list at a future meeting.
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