Comanche County Republicans elected new officers at a convention in late February.
Officials said 57 members of the county Republican party met at the Comanche County Fairgrounds’ Prairie Building to elect new officers for the next two years. After brief speeches by candidates, JayRe Warren as county chairman. Other officers elected included: Sharla Hildner, vice chair; Patricia Carpenter, state committeeman 1; Chris McGreer, state committeeman 2; Chris Coutts, district committeeman; and Sandra Denham, district committeeman 2.
“Sharla and I ran on a campaign promise to get the CCRP involved in local elections at all levels and to unite the Republicans in the county,” Warren said. “We need to grow the Republican party in this county and throughout the district.”
Warren and others outlined a three-pronged approach: A strong and vigorous membership and candidate recruitment campaign; track and support candidates who the body of the party supports; and actively use the press to announce all county meetings and candidate forums.
Hildner said the group has been actively working for the past two years to energize the party in every way possible.
“We have reached out to many newcomers, made our monthly precinct meetings interesting and entertaining with a series of speakers, and increased our membership by leaps and bounds. We have put our support behind our local pastors, and we greatly increased our visibility with our successful GOP county headquarters during the national campaign,” she said. “We want to further energize Young Republicans in Comanche County, and we are planning a scholarship program for continuing education in constitutional studies.”
Warren said volunteers will be visiting local businesses and community groups to spread the word that every voice will be heard.
Additional information is available by contacting Warren at (580) 704-3923, or Hildner at (580) 512-8999.
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