Veterans, active service members and their dependents who have questions regarding VA benefits can get assistance from representatives from key veterans organizations who will be on-site at Cameron University on Feb. 4.
CU’s Office of Veterans Affairs will host the representatives from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Room 332 of North Shepler.
Education claims processors Emmanual Cruz and Nicole Kelty from the Muskogee VA Regional Processing Office will be available to provide personal service for those who have questions about VA educational benefits. They can also process claims, work on problem resolution, check on individual VA educational claims benefit status and answer specific questions about educational benefit eligibility, check amounts and more.
Kimberly Wendel, Military Services Coordinator – IDES Fort Sill, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Veterans Service Center at Fort Sill, will be available to provide information, answer questions and discuss all other types of VA benefits, including compensation, pension, and all other non-educational VA benefits. She can also provide information about the availability of benefits to active-duty military personnel who are transitioning to civilian life.
Ernest Swindle II, CU’s VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) counselor will be available to visit with students regarding an array of services available to those planning to use their VA educational benefits at CU. They can answer questions about understanding and applying for VA educational benefits as well as other VA benefits including disability compensation, life insurance, home loan guaranty and vocational rehabilitation.
Douglas G. Ferguson, programs administrator/regional manager, Southwest Region, Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs, Claims and Benefits Division, will also provide assistance. He will be available to assist with claims before the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Claims officers are accredited with a number of service organizations in order to better represent the claimant with claims and appeals. Claims officers can assist in the appeals process and, if necessary, represent the claimant at a personal hearing before the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs officer.
“We are happy to host these knowledgeable individuals who can provide direct assistance to veterans, active military service members and their dependents, says Vicki Henson, CU Veterans Affairs coordinator. This will be a great opportunity for dependents who may receive VA educational benefits in the future to gain insights and ask questions about benefits they might receive in the future.”
For more information, call CU Office of Veterans Affairs at 580-581-2301.
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